Audio:QS021101.AIF C-box: BallLoc:[20:35,163:35,306:35,20:142,163:142,306:142,20:249,163:249,306:249] LineNum: GeoBytesUsed:5 PaletteNeutralPic: BBoxQuestion:B-BoxQ11 A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:Sword*QS021102.AIF* Wrong 1:Airplane Wrong 2:Catapult Wrong 3:Chariot Wrong 4:Elephant Wrong 5:Longbow Wrong 6:Musket Wrong 7:Pennsylvania Rifle Wrong 8:Tank GeoByte1:The Persians, Indians and Turks preferred swords with curved blades. GeoByte2:A medieval knight's two chief weapons were the sword and the dagger. GeoByte3:Many swords of the Middle Ages were so heavy that they had to be grasped with both hands. GeoByte4:The earliest swords were made of stone, bone or wood. GeoByte5:The sword developed from the shorter dagger about 3000 B.C.E. GeoByte6: GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: First Pict Cast:["HQ021110.PIC", "HQ020110.PIC", "HQ020210.PIC", "HQ020310.PIC", "HQ020410.PIC", "HQ020510.PIC", "HQ020610.PIC", "HQ020710.PIC", "HQ020810.PIC", "HQ020910.PIC", "HQ021010.PIC", "HQ021210.PIC"]* VideoReward:HP021150.MOV Palette:#default StartVideo:#none EndVideo: MapPictCast: Glossary Start Glossary End